Vegan Nooch Popcorn

Vegan Cheesy Popcorn
Serving 2 | 15-20 mins | Easy
- 2 tbsp of olive oil
- 1/3 cup popcorn kernels
- Nutritional yeast to taste
- Salt to taste
- Optional: smoked paprika
- a stove
- pot or pan with a lid
- spoon or slotted spoon
- bowl
- Add oil to pot. Lightly roll the pot to evenly distribute oil across the bottom.
- Turn the heat on and add 1-2 kernel to the pot. Wait for the kernel to pop, once it has, the oil is hot enough.
- Remove the 2 kernels with a spoon. Add the rest of the kernels into the pot.
- Cover with a lid and let the kernels pop. Swerve the pot to distribute more evenly. Once the kernels popping has died down, turn off heat. Note: You can't achieve 100% popped kernels without some kernels being burnt, don't wait too long.
- Remove lid and add nutritional yeast (nooch) and salt to taste. Lightly toss around to evenly distribute.
- Pour into your bowl of choice and enjoy your Netflix :)
Attributions Photo from Pexels